I have little experience with pyproj, but I want to achieve the following task:
I have a trajectory of a robot, given in lat/long coordinates which I want to convert to x/y Coordinates. In aerospace sciences, we used the NED coordinate system for this, therefore I want to transfer a bunch of lat/long coordinates to local x/y coordinates whereby the first x/y coordinate shall be at 0/0,(which is typically just the start of the trajectory).
So I have been trying to use the PyProj library, which sucessfully converts lat/long to x/y, however the coordinate system in which the result is given is that of england, however ideally I want the 0/0-point to be my first lat/long point. So I though perhaps it would be possible to define a custom coordinate system originating at a specific coordinate system, but couldn't find anything on google.
Therefore: does anyone know how I can define a NED coordinate System at a specific lat/long combination?
Here is my code so far:
import pyproj as proj
crs_wgs = proj.Proj(init='epsg:4326') # assuming you're using WGS84 geographic
crs_bng = proj.Proj(init='epsg:27700') # use a locally appropriate projected CRS
# then cast your geographic coordinate pair to the projected system
x, y = proj.transform(crs_wgs, crs_bng, s['gps_lng'], s['gps_lat'])