(QGIS 3.4) The image below will help explain my goal:
I'm working out how to coalesce the attributes of the field "ID" if the field "X, Y" is a duplicate.
I have highlighted some duplicate coordinates in red. My expression will create a new text field and chain all attributes in the "ID" field, delimited by a pipe (|
For example, where I have labelled features with blue text 1,2,3, the new field will write
Special Protection Areas | Scheudled Monuments | SSSI | AONB | Special Areas of Conservtion | Scheduled monuments | Scheduled Monuments | SSSI | AONB
I will omit duplicate values later in excel.
Here's what I have so far...if( "X, Y" = "X, Y" , coalesce( "ID" ),' ')
but this just duplicates the "ID" field without any coalescing.
function returns the first NOT NULL field in a list of fields. If you are trying to aggregate IDs with a GROUP BY on the coordinates, you may need to look for a different function.