I'd like to use Proj(4j) to convert between UTM and Lat/Long coordinates.
I used to use JScience for UTM <-> LatLong conversions like this:
UTM.latLongToUtm(latlong, ReferenceEllipsoid.WGS84);
UTM.utmToLatLong(coordinate, ReferenceEllipsoid.WGS84);
But I would like to accomplish this using Proj4j. So I'm currently having set up two CoordinateReferenceSystems
CRS_FACTORY.createFromParameters("EPSG:4326", "+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +no_defs");
CRS_FACTORY.createFromParameters("?", "+proj=utm +? +zone=?);
Where I don't know how to fill up the ? gaps.
Why do I have to specify a zone-parameter? Is there a way to accomplish the same above in JScience using proj4j?