I have a dataset of 350 or so individuals. Each individual has a start point (2 columns with Lat and Long) and end point (2 columns with Lat and Long). I would like calculate the distance between these in QGIS and have the output as a new column in the data set. (so for each row calculate the distance between two points)
Now - I have achieved this in the R statistical package pretty easily with the following code:
Dataset$distance<-distVincentyEllipsoid(Dataset[,c('gps.of.start.point_e','gps.of.start.point_s')], bb[,c('gps.of.end_e','gps.of.end_s')]
What I have tried so far in QGIS: I can create two point layers - "start points" and "end points" and use a distance matrix to calculate the distances between points. I get the data I want but also get thousands of permutations that I am not interested in and so sorting them and extraction them for my data set is time consuming and difficult.
Is there an easier way of doing this in QGIS?