I downloaded the Los Angeles Parcels Tax Roll data into QGIS. I copied the information for a single parcel results in QGIS:
wkt_geom OBJECTID_1 AIN Roll_Year AssessorID TaxRateArea TaxRateArea_CITY SitusHouseNo SitusFraction SitusDirection SitusStreet SitusUnit SitusConcatenated SitusCity SitusZIP SitusZIP5 UseCode UseCodeDescChar1 UseCodeDescChar2 UseCodeDescChar3 UseCodeDescChar4 totBuildingDataLines YearBuilt EffectiveYearBuilt SQFTmain Bedrooms Bathrooms Units RecordingDate Roll_LandValue Roll_LandBaseYear Roll_ImpValue Roll_ImpBaseYear Roll_totLandImp Roll_PersPropValue Roll_FixtureValue Roll_HomeOwnersExemp ExemptionClaimKey ExemptionType ExemptionFullOrPartial Roll_RealEstateExemp Roll_PersPropExemp Roll_FixtureExemp netTaxableValue__Land_Imp_REX_HOX_ totBoundaryDescLines BoundaryDescLine1 BoundaryDescLine2 BoundaryDescLine3 BoundaryDescLine4 BoundaryDescLine5 BoundaryDescLastLine ParcelClassification AdministrativeRegion CENTER_LAT CENTER_LON Shape_Length Shape_Area
MultiPolygon (((
6445171.31999936699867249 1754319.45000045001506805
6445165.38999937474727631 1754259.7400003969669342
6445040.50999936461448669 1754272.15000040829181671
6445043.06999936699867249 1754297.81000044941902161
6445046.4499993622303009 1754331.86000040173530579
6445171.31999936699867249 1754319.45000045001506805
))) 539190 7514021016 2014 7514-021-016 9359 TORRANCE 249 PASEO DE LAS DELICIAS 249 PASEO DE LAS DELICIAS TORRANCE CA 90277-6439 90277 0100 Residential Single Family Residence Unused or Unknown Code (No Meaning) 1 1948 1948 1456 3 2 1 19900220 70378 1975 34771 1975 105149 0 0 7000 0 0 0 98149 1 TRACT # 10302 LOT 16 BLK N 14 33.81230373 -118.38371317 370.98874200978423 7529.721003203928
What are the units of the multipolygon? My QGIS is set to EPSG: 3857. Although I think the units for the MultiPolygon are the same no matter what CRS is used.
And then how do I get just this parcel into QGIS. The database is rather large and I don't need it all.
MultiPolygon ((( 6445171.31999936699867249 1754319.45000045001506805 6445165.38999937474727631 1754259.7400003969669342 6445040.50999936461448669 1754272.15000040829181671 6445043.06999936699867249 1754297.81000044941902161 6445046.4499993622303009 1754331.86000040173530579 6445171.31999936699867249 1754319.45000045001506805 )))
and read the coordinates in units I can understand, e.g., EPSG: 4326.