I'm using Arcmap 10.5 and I would like to solve a network analysis problem.
I have a road network layer and two point layers. The first points layer contains the start points, the second one contains the end points (the same count). Both layer has route_id field. I would like to find routes based on this common route_id value. So, I would like to find routes from each start point to each end point where the route_id values are the same (overall 100 routes). They would be very-very simple routes, without any restrictions, barriers etc. Only the shortest paths are needed.
I tried this:
- I've made a Network Dataset and loaded the road network layer.
- After that I created a Closest Facility Layer and loaded start points as locations.
- Next, I loaded end points as Incidents.
I've made routes successfully, but I would like to make routes based on the same attribute values, for example: from the start point with route_id=1 to the end point with route_id=1 etc. with 1 to 1 join.
How can I solve this problem?