I have a table "Addresses" and the Feature "streets". The feature "Streets" are lines.

I need to do a relation with this table with this feature. What I do?

I tried built a "relationship class". The type is "1-M". It is the line of a street with the table of a address. But happens an error. I can´t split the line of a street. Anyone knows how to fix it?

That is the error: "

The feature could not be split. The field is not nullable.


I found the error "FDO_E_FIELD_NOT_NULLABLE" description on a ESRI site. But they don't told how to fix it. This is the link: http://edndoc.esri.com/arcobjects/8.3/ComponentHelp/esriCore/fdoError.htm

I need the relationship and to split the streets! How to solve/fix this error?

The real problem is: I have a Feature of streets, called "Eixos". And a Table of Addresses, called "Logradouros". I tried with Domains. But when I run a script python that make "Table to Domain" give me the error of "

ERROR 000464: Cannot get exclusive schema lock

". But I cannot kill the other users. Do you know a good solution to do a relationship Feature Street vs Table Address?

  • The real problem is: I have a Feature of streets, called "Eixos". And a Table of Addresses, called "Logradouros". I tried with Domains. But when I run a script python that make "Table to Domain" give me the error of "ERROR 000464: Cannot get exclusive schema lock". But I cannot kill the other users. Do you know a good solution to do a relationship Feature Street vs Table Address? Any tip? Pls! Commented Sep 17, 2012 at 18:48
  • Is this feature class in SDE? Or is it a file GDB or a personal GDB? Are there other users actually viewing this data?
    – Rayner
    Commented Sep 17, 2012 at 19:31

1 Answer 1


You'll need to obtain exclusive access to the data by getting the other users to close ArcMap temporarily.

It should then allow you to split the line.

  • Thanks Rayner. I think those are the only options. But I still think ArcGIS is deficient. ArcMap should have a better way to relate a Layer with an Oracle table. It should be like the relationship Genexus. Commented Oct 12, 2012 at 1:30

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