R is using the SQLite driver to access the file, so its equivalent to reading the database using sqlite3
instead of spatialite
$ sqlite3 spatial.sqlite 'select AddGeometryColumn()'
Error: no such function: AddGeometryColumn
$ spatialite spatial.sqlite -cmd 'select AddGeometryColumn()'
spatialite: Error: too many options: "select AddGeometryColumn()"
A database opened with sqlite3
will have all the tables for a spatial database but won't have the functions because those are only available when opened using a spatialite driver. RSQLite only uses the base sqlite3 code.
What you need to do is load the spatialite module into sqlite.
Starting with a non-spatial connection:
> library(RSQLite)
> con = dbConnect(SQLite(),"./spatial.sqlite")
> dbSendQuery(con,"select AddGeometryColumn()")
Error: no such function: AddGeometryColumn
You need to find the path to your spatialite module. On Linux that's a .so
file, which I've found here /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mod_spatialite.so
- then I can load that using load_extension
> dbSendQuery(con,"select load_extension('/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mod_spatialite.so');")
SQL select load_extension('/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/mod_spatialite.so');
ROWS Fetched: 0 [incomplete]
Changed: 0
Now when I see if this connection has AddGeometryColumns
> dbSendQuery(con,"select AddGeometryColumn()")
Error: wrong number of arguments to function AddGeometryColumn()
In addition: Warning message:
Closing open result set, pending rows
It jolly well does.
I think under Windows you need to find a .dll file.
Figured most of this out from https://github.com/pschmied/RSQLite.spatialite which is very old and crashed my R. But the principles are outlined there.