I have downloaded some data (as GeoPackages) from this excellent website: https://data.mfe.govt.nz/layer/52757-petroleum-wells/ and https://data.mfe.govt.nz/layer/52675-location-and-extent-of-nzs-aquifers-2015/ with the ultimate goal of writing a third GeoPackage where the two layers are related according to their spatial relationship (i.e. aquifers with references to intersecting wells).
QGIS is able to read these GeoPackages, and to display their geometries.
However when I use the Spatialite GUI (v4.3.0a) to query these datasets, I am running into odd geometry validation problems.
For example:
SELECT Count(*), GeometryType("geom"), Srid("geom"), CoordDimension("geom")
FROM "petroleum_wells"
GROUP BY 2, 3, 4
1188 POINT 2193 NULL
i.e. that CoordDimension("geom")
. This sensibly flows into literally every ST_*
function I've tried: they all return -1
for any function operating on the geometries, which is explained in the documentation as: "–1 for UNKNOWN corresponding to a function invocation on NULL arguments." However, the geometry itself is not NULL. It is returned as the outcome of a simple select, albeit with a rather funny tpyoe: BLOB sz=47445 GeoPackegeGEOMETRY
Oddly, ST_Is3D(geom)
correctly returns 0
(false) when it could return -1
(unknown)... so it seems to have at least an understanding that's it's not in 3D.
claims that the reason is Invalid: NULL Geometry
even when I explicitly include a WHERE "geom" IS NOT NULL
clause, and have successfully rendered the geometries in QGIS.
Is the GeoPackage geometry really invalid, or is there some issue with Spatialite, or some issue with the way I am using Spatialite?