I have multiple elevation raster tiles of an archaeological site and it would be extremely useful for me to visualize the topography as one 'uniform' image/layer. I have attempted to merge the rasters, build a virtual raster, and copy/paste the style from one layer to others, yet I have been unable to produce a seamless image from any of the said methods.

Example of two of the tiles

The tiles overlap considerably, most more so than the two tiles in the example. I have checked the elevations between layers of some of the overlapping areas and they appear to match, so the problem doesn't seem to be incongruous elevation data.

When I have copy and pasted styles I have made sure to change the elevation data to the min/max values among the tiles and as well as make sure the break values also match. Yet, inconceivably, this makes it worse.

enter image description here

  • Check all images for min/max-values, write them down. Then classify one image using these boundaries and sensible breaks. Copy the style to all the other images.
    – Erik
    Commented Nov 5, 2019 at 12:46
  • I should have elaborated; I did indeed check and use the min/max values when copying/pasting styles from a layer to others, yet it did not produce the desired effect, though I admit I do not know what sensible breaks would be.
    – LCorvino
    Commented Nov 5, 2019 at 14:17
  • If all images had the same style, especially the same classes/breaks based on the overall min/max values, there'd be no discontinuity. Sensible classes/breaks for DEM would be a different colour every 10 m e.g.
    – Erik
    Commented Nov 5, 2019 at 14:19
  • Good morning LCorvino! I learned the hard way that QGIS lists estimated min/max values by default. I wonder if that could be the source of your problem? Try changing min/max to actual values. See my earlier SE question at: gis.stackexchange.com/questions/321408/…
    – Stu Smith
    Commented Nov 5, 2019 at 17:04
  • Can you share what settings you used for merge? Are you getting an error, or is it producing a valid output that isn't what you're looking for? Could you post example files? This is exactly what merge is supposed to do, and I've used it in the past. Commented Nov 5, 2019 at 17:48


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