I have a gpkg file that's around 10GB, and 8GB of RAM. So, if I were to read my file:
import geopandas as gpd
fp = "/path/to/my/file.gpkg"
data = gpd.read_file(fp)
My computer would crash. Now, in Pandas, you can read a file by chunks (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25962114/how-to-read-a-6-gb-csv-file-with-pandas). I haven't seen anything related to such capabilities in the geopandas (or fiona, used to read the files) documentation.
What would be my options here?
I tested converting my gpkg file to csv file in QGIS. I could then read it using Pandas and work my way up from there. While this could be a solution, I'd rather avoid this if possible.
I could technically manually "tile" my data in QGIS, and get say 4 gpkg files of 2.5GB, but I don't want to do this.
I could (and will) upgrade my RAM, but the problem is still there if I have 16GB of RAM and a 20GB gpkg file, etc.
parameter. It depends what you have to do with your gpkg. If you need to work with all features at once, you might want to look for a different solution, but @MortenSickel is right, try that before.