I want to use the the makeEOO
function from the redlistr package to calculate the Extent of Occurrence of 2 species ("binomial" A and B), starting from a shapefile with the corresponding distribution maps in form of polygons. To use the function, I need to convert the polygons into points.
Here the starting shapefile.
I am using the sf
package to import the shapefile
dummy <- st_read(dsn = "Calculate_EOO_dummy/dummy_maps_dissolved.shp")
I converted the polygons into multipoint features, and the multipoints into points
multi.p <- st_cast(dummy.diss, "MULTIPOINT")
my.points <- multi.p %>% group_by(binomial) %>% st_cast("POINT")
> my.points
Simple feature collection with 33 features and 1 field
geometry type: POINT
dimension: XY
bbox: xmin: -0.9471488 ymin: -0.9276773 xmax: 1.155772 ymax: 0.8080668
epsg (SRID): 4326
proj4string: +proj=longlat +datum=WGS84 +no_defs
# A tibble: 33 x 2
# Groups: binomial [2]
binomial geometry
<fct> <POINT [°]>
1 A (-0.5855355 0.7913769)
2 A (-0.5771905 0.7774687)
3 A (-0.2267038 0.5771905)
4 A (-0.3936022 0.05702364)
5 A (-0.1098748 -0.1015299)
6 A (0.02642559 -0.340751)
7 A (-0.02920723 -0.4464534)
8 A (-0.3824757 -0.4297636)
9 A (-0.8553547 -0.2878999)
10 A (-0.9471488 -0.1182197)
# ... with 23 more rows
However, if I try to call the makeEOO
function with my.points, I get an error:
eoo <- my.points %>% group_by(binomial) %>% makeEOO()
Error in makeEOO(my.points) : trying to get slot "coords" from an object (class "sf") that is not an S4 object.
How could I convert such polygons (separately for each species A and B) into points to use makeEOO