I'm trying to convert coordinates to DMS, I try to use field calculator, but I still have no result.

I also try this script:

(CASE WHEN $x < 0 THEN '-' ELSE '' END) || 
floor (abs($x)) || '°' || 
floor(((abs($x)) - floor (abs($x))) * 60) ||'\'' || 
    (((abs($x)) - floor (abs($x))) * 60) - floor(((abs($x)) - floor (abs($x))) * 60)) * 60),
  5) || '" E'"

Any proposition?

  • What happened when you ran the script that you have presented?
    – PolyGeo
    Commented Dec 6, 2019 at 0:57
  • I receive an empty field !!
    – Ch.abdel
    Commented Dec 6, 2019 at 20:59
  • When you use the || symbol to join strings, if any of the strings are NULL, the entire output is empty. Try using the concat() function instead of concatenating with || and see if that helps.
    – csk
    Commented Dec 6, 2019 at 21:30
  • Please use the edit button beneath your question to revise it with any requested clarifications.
    – PolyGeo
    Commented Dec 6, 2019 at 23:01

3 Answers 3


You should use the to_dms expression.

to_dms($x, 'x', 3)

If your geometry is not in EPSG:4326, reproject it on the fly, like this:

to_dms(x(transform($geometry,'EPSG:2154','EPSG:4326')), 'x', 3)

Source : http://changelog.qgis.org/en/qgis/version/3.4-LTR/#map-expressions

  • using to_dms in Map Canvas give me an error, e.g. to_dms(x_min(map_get( item_variables( 'Map 1'),'map_extent')),'x',3) but using x() is okay ...
    – Kampau Ocu
    Commented Jun 21, 2022 at 11:22
  • Yes, the canvas does not have the variable 'Map 1'. There is already variables @map_extent, $x, $y etc.
    – etrimaille
    Commented Jun 22, 2022 at 5:54

Open the attribute table and start editing, then open the field calculator; Create a new text field of length 16, named ‘lon_dms’, and enter the code below in the ‘Expression’ box; Calculate, then repeat for ‘lat_dms’ but change each $x to $y; Save

(CASE WHEN $x < 0 THEN 'N' ELSE 'S' END) || floor (abs($x)) || '°' || floor(((abs($x)) - floor (abs($x))) * 60) ||'\'' || substr( (tostring((((abs($x)) - floor (abs($x))) * 60) - floor(((abs($x)) - floor (abs($x))) * 60)) * 60),1,5) || '"'

[I got this code from www.underdiverwaterman.com, but the link/website is currently down]

  • I receive an empty field !!
    – Ch.abdel
    Commented Dec 6, 2019 at 20:59

I substituted the concat(string1,string2,string3) concatenation method for the || character. When concatenating a complicated expression like this, concat() is better because it converts NULL values to empty strings. When using ||, if the expression has any mistakes that evaluate to NULL, the whole output is empty, which is very difficult to troubleshoot. I did a bit of additional cleaning up and fixed a few mistakes (see my notes below). It's not perfect yet, but it should give you a starting point for more troubleshooting.

concat(CASE WHEN $x < 0 THEN '-' ELSE '' END, 
floor(((abs($x)) - floor (abs($x))) * 60),
substr( tostring((((abs($x)) - floor (abs($x))) * 60) - floor(((abs($x)) - floor(abs($x))) * 60)) * 60,  1,  5),
'`` E')


The biggest issue was the '\'' term. I assume the backslash is supposed to escape the single quotation mark, but it wasn't working that way. Instead it was printing a backslash as though the expression was '\' and then everything after the third single quotation mark was converted into a string.

I couldn't figure out a way to get the single quotation mark into the output, so I gave up and substituted the tick mark: `

If it's important that you have a single quotation mark in there, try playing around with the char(code) function. It should take a unicode code number and convert it into that symbol. I tried a few different unicode values that should convert to an apostrophe or single quote, and they gave me boxes or square corner brackets. Maybe QGIS uses a different version of unicode than my Google search results, or maybe the preview is just broken.

Another issue was the final term, '" E'". I used the same workaround as for the minutes, and just substituted a double tick mark. If you want some single or double quotes in the final output, see my notes above.

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