My client wants a searchable map. I'd like to use Leaflet and Mapbox for the map, but is having an address-search feature limited to geocoding APIs like Google Maps or Mapquest?


1 Answer 1


You can absolutely have a search feature in your map. As commented by TomazicM:

Have a look at Leaflet geocoding plugins: https://leafletjs.com/plugins.html#geocoding

My favorite is the esri-leaflet-geosearch plugin.

  • In response to your "meta" question, no it is not wrong to answer when someone else has put the same in a comment. Answers should be posted as answers, not as comments, and it is fairly common to see short answers that start with something like "as commented by TomazicM..."
    – Midavalo
    Commented Jun 14, 2020 at 18:35

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