I try to collect and merge Service Analysis Line features after iteration. I name my analysis layers with the iteration values, but it doesn't help. The output feature datasets of the analysis named with consequent numbering (ServiceArea1, ServiceArea2, etc.) and the line feature classes like (SALines1, SALines2, etc.). The line features represents the right output (I tested). When I try to collect data, all the Collected Values call "Lines". I tried to write out the lines to feature class for every run by selecting the child data and feature class to feature class tool, but it didn't work. The result was not the output of the analysis result (SALines1, SALines2) but the same line features for every analysis result. It seems that I miss a step that refers to the saved line feature classes in the created feature datasets. With this model I'm going to generate hundreds of Service Area layers and need to collect and merge the line outputs either as table or feature class and afterwards generate different statistics. Adding the results manually is out of the question.
Can anybody help with this?