I am working with a self-installed version of the Overpass API.

I need to be able to query all street names in a particular city, Inverness in the United Kingdom (GB). There is also a city called Inverness in Florida, United States.

Therefore I need a query which limits the results returned to Inverness in GB.

This is the query that I have tried but it returns an empty result set.

(area["ISO3166-1"="GB"][admin_level=2]; )->.country;
(way(country)(city)[highway]; ); 

How can I reformulate the query to return the information that I need?

2 Answers 2


Looking at the Inverness node suggests that it isn't in GB (it isn't really an admin unit).

is_in   Highland;Scotland;United Kingdom;Europe
is_in:continent Europe
is_in:country   Scotland
is_in:iso_3166_2    SCT
is_in:province  United Kingdom
name    Inverness

So I would try something like:

(area["ISO3166-2"="GB-SCT"][admin_level=4]; )->.country;
(way(country)(city)[highway]; ); 
  • 1
    Actually it is in GB. Please note that most OSM keys are lowercase, so Country should be country instead. However, Scotland has admin_level=4 (see admin_level values for specific countries) and no Country key set. Better query for area["ISO3166-2"="GB-SCT"][admin_level=4].
    – scai
    Commented Jan 3, 2020 at 9:07

Your query syntax looks wrong. Try the following instead:


Although I'm not sure if this query is ideal for your task or if it can be optimized.

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