I try to add the filename with the tool ogrinfo
in a bunch of shape files for later merging reasons under Debian 8 and gdal 2.4.0. I stuck by expressing a valid statement for UPDATE part. For the command:
ogrinfo block1.all.shp \
-sql "UPDATE TABLE block1.all SET filename='block1.all'"
I always get the error:
layer names ignored in combination with -sql. ERROR 1: SQL Expression Parsing Error: syntax error, unexpected identifier, expecting SELECT or '('. Occurred around : UPDATE
This is strange because the table manipulation part:
for f in `ls *.shp`; do \
t=`basename $f .shp`; \
ogrinfo $f -sql \
"ALTER TABLE $t ADD COLUMN filename character(32)"; \
which means expanded for the first file:
ogrinfo part1.all.shp -sql \
"ALTER TABLE part1.all ADD COLUMN filename character(32)";
finished without an error.
INFO: Open of `block1.all.shp'
using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
INFO: Open of `block1.part01.shp'
using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
How do I have to express the matter correctly.
Remark 1: The phenomenon persists also with the SQL conform table-name-convention, suggested by @MichaelStimson.
$ ogrinfo block1_all.shp \
-sql "alter table block1_all add column block_name varchar(32)";
> INFO: Open of `block1_all.shp'
using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
$ ogrinfo block1_all.shp \
-sql "UPDATE TABLE block1_all set filename = 'block1_all'"
> INFO: Open of `block1_all.shp'
using driver `ESRI Shapefile' successful.
ERROR 1: SQL Expression Parsing Error: syntax error, unexpected
identifier, expecting SELECT or '('. Occurred around :
UPDATE TABLE block1_all set filename = '
Remark 2:
According to the answer from @user30184 the is here the complete workflow. The start point is a set of some unattributed DXF files with the dot naming convention:
$ ls -1
> block1.all.dxf block1.part01.dxf block1.part02.dxf \
block1.part03.dxf block1.part04.dxf block1.part05.dxf ...
The mining script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# In my case I've a lot of INFO clutter from the DXF source
# Resulting shape directory for the shapes
# --- Raw data import part ---
# Iterate over the DXF files
for file in `ls *.dxf`
# Remove the file extension
dot_name=`basename $file .dxf`
# Remove the dot from the file name (usc under score)
usc_name=`echo $dot_name | sed -e 's/\./_/g'`
# Create the shape file with SRS
ogr2ogr -s_srs EPSG:32632 \
-t_srs EPSG:32632 \
-f 'ESRI Shapefile' \
shapes/$usc_name.shp \
# --- Table confection part ----
# Create the target path if exists
if [ ! -e $dst_path ]
mkdir $dst_path
# Change to the shape files
cd $dst_path
# Loop over the shapes
for file in `ls *.shp`
# Get the table name
table=`basename $file .shp`
# Parse the block part
block=`echo $table | cut -d '_' -f 1`
# Parse the name part
name=`echo $table | cut -d '_' -f 2`
# Control messages
echo "FILE: $file"
echo "TABLE: $table"
echo "BLOCK: $block"
echo "NAME: $name"
# Remove the DXF attributes not containing any info
if [ $skip_dxf_atts == 1 ]
ogrinfo $file -sql "alter table $table drop column Layer"
ogrinfo $file -sql "alter table $table drop column PaperSpace"
ogrinfo $file -sql "alter table $table drop column SubClasses"
ogrinfo $file -sql "alter table $table drop column LineType"
ogrinfo $file -sql "alter table $table drop column EntityHand"
ogrinfo $file -sql "alter table $table drop column Text"
# Add the fields block and name
ogrinfo $file -sql "alter table $table add column block varchar(16)"
ogrinfo $file -sql "alter table $table add column name varchar(16)"
# Fill the fields block and name
ogrinfo -dialect sqlite $file \
-sql "UPDATE $table SET block= '$block' ,name= '$name'"
# I'd like to have the envelopes for all blocks apart in on file
# --- Block 1 part ---------------
# Create the initial file from the
# complete envelope block1_all
ogr2ogr -f 'ESRI Shapefile' \
block1_envelope.shp \
# Merge the files for block1 together
for file in `ls block1_part??.shp`
ogr2ogr -f 'ESRI Shapefile' \
-update -append block1_envelope.shp $file \
-nln block1_envelope
# --- Block 2 part ---------------
# Create the initial file from the
# complete envelope block2_all
ogr2ogr -f 'ESRI Shapefile' \
block2_envelope.shp \
# Merge the files for block1 together
for file in `ls block2_part??.shp`
ogr2ogr -f 'ESRI Shapefile' \
-update -append block2_envelope.shp $file \
-nln block2_envelope
# Put the envelopes together
ogr2ogr -f 'ESRI Shapefile' \
block_envelopes.shp \
ogr2ogr -f 'ESRI Shapefile' \
-update -append block_envelopes.shp \
block2_envelope.shp \
-nln block_envelopes
(modified part in the question). May be a problem with my LTO4 tape ;-)