using openstreetmap data (in a postgis database), I would like to highlight all roads with a certain surface
tag in tilemill.
I can query for the tag, doing
SELECT * FROM planet_osm_ways WHERE 'cobblestone'=any(tags)
which returns id
, nodes
, tags
24204652 {262087470,262087665,262087666} {highway,residential,maxspeed,30,name,Landréstraße,postal_code,12621,surface,cobblestone}
I'm not sure how to proceed though, as tilemill expects geometry. I suppose, I somehow have to look up each id in nodes
and combine everything to lines(?).
I think I managed to make linestrings from node coordinates, doing
SELECT way_id, st_makeline(coord) AS way
INTO __test
FROM (SELECT AS way_id, ST_SetSRID(st_makepoint(lon, lat), 3857) AS coord
FROM (SELECT id, unnest(nodes) AS node_id FROM planet_osm_ways WHERE 'cobblestone'=any(tags)) a
INNER JOIN planet_osm_nodes b
ORDER BY way_id
) c
GROUP BY way_id
but in tilemill nothing shows up.
update 2:
after adjusting the layer settings in tilemill, I'm getting an error now:
Detected out of bounds geographic extent (180,85.0511287798066,180,85.051) for layer 'cobblestone'. Please ensure that the SRS for this layer is correct. Its native extent is '686159783,145786972,692158671,153144983'
data type. Do you have a table with linestring geometry, perhaps calledways
? If so, the value inid
probably corresponds to that geometry. You can then do a table join, see here: