It's not possible to convert GEDI .h5
file to LAS file as including all data. Because .h5
file includes a lot of information about a point. Also, since LAS file has certain attributes for a point not matching attributes/values in .h5
file, you cannot add all information to LAS file. For example, which value in .h5
file does match Z
value in LAS file, elevation_bin0
or elevation_lastbin
? Etc.
There is no one way/method to convert any .h5
file to another format. It depends on data structure included in .h5
file. It varies from .h5
to .h5
. Therefore, you should decide the attributes you would like to use.
Using h5py
package, you can easily read h5
file. Firstly, let's examine GEDI .h5 file structure.
import h5py
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
file_path = "path/to/GEDI01_B_2019108002011_O01959_T03909_02_003_01.h5"
f = h5py.File(file_path, 'r')
# ['BEAM0000', 'BEAM0001', 'BEAM0010', 'BEAM0011', 'BEAM0101', 'BEAM0110', 'BEAM1000', 'BEAM1011', 'METADATA']
There are 8 BEAMXXXX
groups and 1 METADATA
group. Now, let's see all datasets in all groups.
def get_h5_structure(f, level=0):
""" prints structure of hdf5 file """
for key in f.keys():
if isinstance(f[key], h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset):
print(f"{' '*level} DATASET: {f[key].name}")
elif isinstance(f[key],
print(f"{' '*level} GROUP: {key, f[key].name}")
level += 1
get_h5_structure(f[key], level)
level -= 1
if f[key] == "/":
### OUTPUT: (removed some lines) ###
# GROUP: ('BEAM0000', '/BEAM0000')
# DATASET: /BEAM0000/all_samples_sum
# GROUP: ('ancillary', '/BEAM0000/ancillary')
# DATASET: /BEAM0000/ancillary/master_time_epoch
# DATASET: /BEAM0000/ancillary/mean_samples
# DATASET: /BEAM0000/ancillary/smoothing_width
# DATASET: /BEAM0000/beam
# DATASET: /BEAM0000/channel
# DATASET: /BEAM0000/delta_time
# GROUP: ('geolocation', '/BEAM0000/geolocation')
# DATASET: /BEAM0000/geolocation/altitude_instrument
# DATASET: /BEAM0000/geolocation/altitude_instrument_error
# DATASET: /BEAM0000/geolocation/bounce_time_offset_bin0
# ...
# GROUP: ('BEAM0001', '/BEAM0001')
# ...
# GROUP: ('DatasetIdentification', '/METADATA/DatasetIdentification')
NOTE: I will use datasets in 'BEAM0000' as an example. For other BEAMXXXX group, you should change group
group = "BEAM0000"
# number_of records
n = f[group]["all_samples_sum"].shape[0]
# OUT: 249810
Let's find the keys which have 249810 (n
) records. We'll form a DataFrame using these keys. Since there are two nested levels, two for
loops are sufficient.
df = pd.DataFrame()
for k, v in f[group].items():
if isinstance(v, h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset):
if v.shape[0] == n:
df[k] = v
else: # if not dataset, it's group
# iterate on datasets of the group
for k2, v2 in v.items():
if v2.shape[0] == n:
df[k2] = v2
# all_samples_sum beam channel delta_time altitude_instrument ... tx_gloc tx_gloc_error tx_pulseflag tx_sample_count tx_sample_start_index
# 0 16167838 0 0 4.078333e+07 411250.214378 ... 0.0 0.0 0 128 1
# 1 16165121 0 0 4.078333e+07 411250.181709 ... 0.0 0.0 0 128 129
# 2 16180451 0 0 4.078333e+07 411250.149040 ... 0.0 0.0 0 128 257
# 3 16181775 0 0 4.078333e+07 411250.116372 ... 0.0 0.0 0 128 385
# 4 16159591 0 0 4.078333e+07 411250.083705 ... 0.0 0.0 0 128 513
# [5 rows x 77 columns]
, rxwaveform
and txwaveform
are missing. As far as I understand, rxwaveform
and txwaveform
are the most important keys in data.
Let's add surface_type
, rxwaveform
and txwaveform
to df
. Please note that each is not a single value, but a list about one point. (See the last 3 columns)
df["surface_type"] = [s_type for s_type in zip(*f[group]["geolocation"]["surface_type"][:,:])]
rxwaveform = f[group]["rxwaveform"][:]
rx_sample_count = f[group]["rx_sample_count"][:]
rx_split_index = f[group]["rx_sample_start_index"][:]-1
df["rxwaveform"] = [ rxwaveform[x:x+i] for x, i in zip(rx_split_index, rx_sample_count) ]
txwaveform = f[group]["txwaveform"][:]
tx_sample_count = f[group]["tx_sample_count"][:]
tx_split_index = f[group]["tx_sample_start_index"][:]-1
df["txwaveform"] = [ txwaveform[x:x+i] for x, i in zip(tx_split_index, tx_sample_count) ]
# all_samples_sum beam channel delta_time altitude_instrument altitude_instrument_error ..... tx_pulseflag tx_sample_count tx_sample_start_index rxwaveform txwaveform surface_type
# 0 16167838 0 0 4.078333e+07 411250.214378 0.223205 ..... 0 128 1 [245.59883, 245.52516,... [246.21742, 246.26566,... (0, 1, 0, 0, 0)
# 1 16165121 0 0 4.078333e+07 411250.181709 0.223205 ..... 0 128 129 [246.6961, 247.62282, ... [246.30019, 245.81613,... (0, 1, 0, 0, 0)
# ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ..... ... ... ... ... ... ...
# 249808 16103852 0 0 4.078712e+07 423272.175929 0.213935 ..... 0 128 31975425 [245.15685, 245.5818, ... [247.31981, 247.07133,... (0, 1, 0, 0, 0)
# 249809 16123677 0 0 4.078712e+07 423272.235064 0.213935 ..... 0 128 31975553 [245.64854, 244.94704,... [247.12299, 247.5319, ... (0, 1, 0, 0, 0)
# [249810 rows x 80 columns]
I don't know what these values mean, therefore, how to use df
is up to you.
All necessary script:
import h5py
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
file_path = "path/to/GEDI01_B_2019108002011_O01959_T03909_02_003_01.h5"
f = h5py.File(file_path, 'r')
group = "BEAM0000"
n = f[group]["all_samples_sum"].shape[0]
df = pd.DataFrame()
for k, v in f[group].items():
if isinstance(v, h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset):
if v.shape[0] == n:
df[k] = v
else: # if not dataset, it's group
# iterate on datasets of the group
for k2, v2 in v.items():
if v2.shape[0] == n:
df[k2] = v2
rxwaveform = f[group]["rxwaveform"][:]
rx_sample_count = f[group]["rx_sample_count"][:]
rx_split_index = f[group]["rx_sample_start_index"][:]-1
df["rxwaveform"] = [ rxwaveform[x:x+i] for x, i in zip(rx_split_index, rx_sample_count)]
txwaveform = f[group]["txwaveform"][:]
tx_sample_count = f[group]["tx_sample_count"][:]
tx_split_index = f[group]["tx_sample_start_index"][:]-1
df["txwaveform"] = [ txwaveform[x:x+i] for x, i in zip(tx_split_index, tx_sample_count)]
df["surface_type"] = [s_type for s_type in zip(*f[group]["geolocation"]["surface_type"][:,:])]
If you prefer, you can save df
as shapefile.
import geopandas as gpd
# 2000 sample records
df2 = df[-6000:-4000]
# convert lists to string not to get error
df2['rxwaveform'] = df2['rxwaveform'].apply(str)
df2['txwaveform'] = df2['txwaveform'].apply(str)
df2['surface_type'] = df2['surface_type'].apply(str)
geometries = gpd.points_from_xy(df2.longitude_bin0, df2.latitude_bin0)
gdf = gpd.GeoDataFrame(df2, geometry=geometries) = 'EPSG:4326' # WGS84
# OR
# gdf.to_file("c:/path/to/output.gpkg", layer=group, driver='GPKG')