I have a raster with bathymetry data and need to add 0.6 value to each cell. The operation itself is simple - I just use raster calculator to add the value using following expression: bathymetry@1+0.6
. The calculation runs successfully and at a first glance, everything is OK.
However, when I looked closely, it seems that the raster has been shifted on x and y axis, by approximately 0.2m, this value however varies.It looks like this (green is the raster raised by 0.6, gray is the source one):
So the question is, why does this happen? And also, how to avoid it?
@EDIT: I've noticed that this happens for any rasters that are in WGS84 CRS (EPSG 4326). When I carry out the same operation on layers in local, meter-based coordinate systems, everything is fine.
I'm using QGIS 3.14.3 and Windows 10.