I want to use some points (point_695 in this case) to extract their values in a time series trajectory of Landsat 8 image scenes from 2014-01-01 to 2014-05-15. When I use reduceRegions()
to do the extraction, it only got return when I use
point_695.limit(2) or point_695.limit(2)
When I select more than 2 points, the whole reduceRegions
function does not work and returns nothing. My question is:
Is there a size limit to run the reduceRegions()
function? If so, how can I revise the script? ps: My points are located sparsely in a very large area.
Here is the main problem part of my code:
var probavProjection = ee.ImageCollection('VITO/PROBAV/C1/S1_TOC_100M').first()
var ndvitimeseries = dataset.map(function(image) {
var ndvi = image.normalizedDifference(['B5', 'B4'])
return ndvi
var point_ndvi = ndvitimeseries.map(function(image){
var date = image.getString("system:index").slice(12)
return image.reduceRegions({
reducer: ee.Reducer.first(), //andrei: mean
scale: 100,
crs: probavProjection,
}).map(function(f){return f.set("date", date)})
point_ndvi = point_ndvi.flatten()//.distinct(["Field1","date"]);