I have an Angular map app with a WMS layer initialized as following:

this.layer =
new ImageLayer({
  source: new ImageWMS({
    url: url,
    params: {LAYERS: this.getActiveLayers()},
    projection: proj

this.map = new Map({
  target: 'map',
  layers: [this.layer],
  view: new View({
    projection: proj

At some point I need to update the wms layer, so I create another ImageWMS with the new requirements

this.auxLayer =
new ImageLayer({
  source: new ImageWMS({
    url: url,
    params: {LAYERS: this.newLayers()},
    projection: proj

How can I update the layer with the new auxLayer info?

2 Answers 2


You could simply update the params in the existing source

this.layer.getSource().updateParams({LAYERS: this.newLayers()});

Easily solved using this:

let source: new ImageWMS({
    url: url,
    params: {LAYERS: this.newLayers()},
    projection: proj

And then using the layer variable:


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