I am processing integration S1, S2 and SRTM, since their pixel grid does not align with each other I am figuring out how to snap with them all into one grid. Before coming with specific reprojection or resampling techniques I want to know which corner of the pixel is representing ground coordinates for each satellite image (S1,S2, SRTM). I have checked the user guide and technical guide but didn't get the idea yet at the pixel level.

1 Answer 1


Correct me if I'm wrong, but for sentinel 2 it's should be the upper left corner of the pixel. Check this link.

  • Yes, you are correct. For S2 it in the upper-left corner of the pixel coordinates which will be also ground coordinates, it might have some geometric error up to 3m for 10m bands, 6m for 20m bands. Mar 4, 2020 at 9:57

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