I'm using the following code:
while read line; do
for att in $line; do
ogr2ogr -where "newcode='$att'" -f "ESRI Shapefile" $OUTPUT/$att.shp $INDATA
done < $SCRIPT/newcodes.txt
The text file is being read correctly as shapefiles named after all names in the textfile list are being created. However, the shapefiles are empty (no attribute table or polygons). The ogr2ogr line of code works outside of the loop on a single feature within the shapefile. The newcodes.txt contains 3-5 letter codes e.g. aaa, gbe.
I think the problem is getting bash to treat $att as text to search for in the attribute table of the shapefile within the -where
Any help much appreciated.
The shapefile has 15 columns in the table, and 6506 rows/features.
The 'newcode' field which I'am trying to read with the -where
switch was joined to the table. I have tried using the loop with a pre-existing field and it still produced empty shapefiles.
Update 2:
After a bit more interrogation, I've noticed that the shapefiles are being produced with a space after their name. E.g. 'aaa .shp' rather than 'aaa.shp'. This probably means that the $att
variable is being read with a space also, and therefore not matching anything in the attribute table. I have checked the text file, and there are no spaces in there. Still unsure how to fix.
e.g. cdg cdh cdi cej cea eig fjj fja fjf
wclause=newcode="$att" ogr2ogr -where '$wclause' -f "ESRI Shapefile" $OUTPUT/$att.shp $INDATA
created a syntax error in the SQL statement.