I'm using lasrangecorrection from the lidR package to correct my Intensity values for effects of distance from sensor to target. I'm wondering how to best choose the f
parameter (exponent for ratio of range to standard range). A power of 2.3 is recommended for vegetation, however this seems to flip the trend - instead of Intensity decaying as range increases, Intensity now increases as range increases (see images below). Currently, I'm using a trial and error framework to choose the power that will flatten the relationship. Is there a more efficient way to do this?
Relationship between Uncorrected Intensity & Range:
Relationship between Corrected Intensity & Range (power = 2.3):
Relationship between Corrected Intensity & Range (power = 1.6):
EDIT After the comment from @JRR, and examining an uncorrected intensity raster, it seems correction is not necessary.
Uncorrected Intensity Map With Estimated Sensor Positions Overlayed (mean intensity at 3m resolution):
Digital Elevation Model for Area of Uncorrected Intensity Image:
Canopy Height Model for Area of Uncorrected Intensity Image: