I have records of where certain species breed on mainland New Zealand and I want to model where these tend to be. However, partly due to some projection errors, as well as potential measurement errors, some of my sites are out in the ocean, rather than on land which should be impossible. As such, I need to snap these points to the closest segment of the closest polygon (there are multiple polygons representing different islands).
To do this I am working in R
and I am using the sf
package; I would like to stay in this environment, as the rest of my code is written to work with these objects.
Here is a bit of setup:
#This loads a shapefile which I would like to use to snap my points to. I have hosted the files on github but I couldn't figure out how to call them directly, as the code I usually use for this didn't work with the read_sf() function. See the commented out version below and if you see what I did wrong I would happily edit this to work! Otherwise the shapefile is accessible here: https://data.linz.govt.nz/layer/51153-nz-coastlines-and-islands-polygons-topo-150k/
#coastline <- read_sf(dsn = "https://raw.github.com/AndreMBellve/Coastline/tree/master/coastlineClean", layer = "nz-coastlines-and-islands-polygons-topo-150k")
#Reading in and transforming the CRS to be consistent with my coordinates for my sites.
coastline <- st_transform(read_sf("./data/Coastline/nz-coastlines-and-islands-polygons-topo-150k.shp"), crs = '+init=EPSG:2193')
#A sample of my dataframe
SeaCoor.df <- structure(list(Long = c(173.830876, 171.382936, 171.365341, 171.337832,
171.340413, 171.36002, 171.366843, 171.345085, 171.325994, 173.07732,
173.07732, 173.07732, 173.07732, 173.07732, 173.07732, 173.07732,
172.68566, 172.77134, 173.13035, 172.695354, 173.05046, 172.86761,
172.82686, 172.77778, 172.76675, 172.80786, 172.794857, 172.80966,
172.85528, 172.87878, 172.87541, 172.90811, 172.90665, 172.9206,
172.93519, 172.94691, 172.98296, 173.00158, 173.02016, 173.04214,
173.08939, 173.10469, 173.10458, 173.10685, 173.10587, 173.10943,
173.11913, 173.12599, 173.12874, 173.13035, 173.11956, 173.10934,
173.11379, 173.10522, 173.0981, 173.10134, 173.08651, 173.07842,
173.06943, 173.06205, 173.05389, 173.03132, 173.02989, 173.02282,
173.01718, 172.99699, 172.9915, 172.98369, 172.96898, 172.96597,
172.96412, 172.96034, 172.91313, 172.94635, 172.94729, 172.93802,
172.92575, 172.89502, 172.88644, 172.87614, 172.8691, 172.86017,
172.85726, 172.85082, 172.83752, 172.83202, 172.82902, 172.82434,
172.82189, 172.81341, 172.82082, 172.80172, 172.79516, 172.78851,
172.77855, 172.7828, 172.77065, 172.76014, 172.75593, 172.74937,
172.74216, 172.74018, 172.73997, 172.74027, 172.73581, 172.72967,
172.72121, 172.77666, 172.68965, 173.0599, 169.30167, 169.26356,
169.2309, 168.88449, 168.88449, 168.88449, 168.88449, 168.88449,
168.62211, 168.51365, 167.99494, 167.8171, 170.979492, 169.611599,
167.8462, 167.99277, 168.56881, 168.53276, 168.56881, 168.56881,
168.59681, 168.38814, 166.86198, 166.89506, 166.86198, 166.86198,
166.89506, 166.89506, 166.89506, 166.89506, 166.89506, 167.63768,
167.63768, 167.63768, 167.63768, 167.63768, 167.63768, 167.63768,
167.59288, 167.68446, 167.63768, 168.206138, 168.230986, 168.211588,
168.239311, 168.206138, 168.245191, 168.264889, 168.239311, 168.206138,
168.211588, 168.264889, 168.239311, 167.7906, 167.8441, 167.88954,
167.9883, 168.0017, 168.0195, 168.12068, 168.12977, 168.17831,
168.17762, 168.2126, 168.21522, 168.2199, 168.0459, 167.66217,
167.7041, 167.65586, 167.40461, 167.55494, 167.43718, 167.4162,
167.43718, 167.43718, 167.40461, 167.3956, 167.43718, 167.40461,
167.55494, 167.38833, 176.659641, 176.494675, 176.523342, 176.656036,
176.414337, 176.402149, 176.347733, 176.326962, 176.704702, 176.240273,
176.48798, 176.571836, 176.80315, 176.626511, 176.418972, 176.269455,
176.347733, 176.626511, 176.566772, 176.704702, 176.240273, 176.48798,
176.544199, 176.701698, 176.719551, 176.847954, 176.892586, 176.326962,
176.18259, 176.24165, 176.17641, 176.22161, 176.18093, 176.18093,
176.18093, 176.18093, 176.29623, 176.29623, 176.28079, 176.28079,
176.31804, 176.29623, 176.31804, 176.28079, 176.33658, 176.28079,
176.28092, 176.28092, 176.28092, 175.83443, 175.83443, 175.83443,
176.01399, 176.01399, 176.01399, 176.01399, 176.80761, 176.81422,
179.024443, 179.024443, 179.024443, 179.024443, 179.024443, 178.78107,
178.78107, 178.78107, 178.78107, 178.78107, 178.78107, 166.61003,
166.58097, 166.58097, 166.61964, 166.57329, 166.58097, 166.57329,
166.61964, 166.60376, 166.58097, 166.61964, 166.58097, 166.58097,
166.50304, 166.50149, 166.49343, 166.49343, 166.50149, 166.27482,
166.27482, 166.27344, 166.27482, 166.30314, 166.2422, 166.27482,
166.27482, 166.27482, 166.30314, 166.27482, 166.27344, 166.27482,
166.27344, 166.26074, 166.14821, 166.14821, 165.89064, 166.12633,
166.20049, 166.22109, 166.26074), Lat = c(-42.247994, -42.032578,
-42.048609, -42.09203, -42.100929, -42.070531, -42.032992, -42.084387,
-42.114524, -43.06163, -43.06163, -43.06163, -43.06163, -43.06163,
-43.06163, -43.06163, -43.6349, -43.85663, -43.76366, -43.629541,
-43.85687, -43.89607, -43.62676, -43.57436, -43.85641, -43.58683,
-43.5937, -43.61281, -43.60349, -43.60775, -43.61915, -43.62452,
-43.63117, -43.63896, -43.62694, -43.63263, -43.63862, -43.65639,
-43.65446, -43.65135, -43.68795, -43.6959, -43.7004, -43.70626,
-43.71426, -43.71885, -43.78783, -43.74152, -43.75343, -43.76366,
-43.77574, -43.78454, -43.79511, -43.80406, -43.82165, -43.83277,
-43.83558, -43.85366, -43.84623, -43.84864, -43.85526, -43.87302,
-43.87529, -43.87432, -43.88061, -43.88305, -43.87587, -43.88651,
-43.88791, -43.87281, -43.87234, -43.87036, -43.85421, -43.89171,
-43.89721, -43.90012, -43.89894, -43.89251, -43.89647, -43.89573,
-43.89183, -43.8893, -43.88162, -43.88565, -43.88991, -43.88181,
-43.87977, -43.87896, -43.87866, -43.87934, -43.87324, -43.86854,
-43.8665, -43.86619, -43.86415, -43.85653, -43.85947, -43.85325,
-43.8509, -43.85458, -43.84691, -43.84217, -43.83666, -43.83437,
-43.83409, -43.83258, -43.82908, -43.57181, -43.62878, -43.83855,
-43.68369, -43.6961, -43.71268, -43.86064, -43.86064, -43.86064,
-43.86064, -43.86064, -43.96016, -44.00356, -44.32841, -44.49668,
-45.109398, -46.541206, -46.45796, -46.40591, -46.76869, -46.73782,
-46.76869, -46.76869, -46.7501, -46.79583, -46.56985, -46.57322,
-46.56985, -46.56985, -46.57322, -46.57322, -46.57322, -46.57322,
-46.57322, -47.78846, -47.78846, -47.78846, -47.78846, -47.78846,
-47.78846, -47.78846, -46.75172, -46.77682, -47.78846, -46.912993,
-46.869118, -46.848165, -46.907891, -46.912993, -46.82374, -46.866067,
-46.907891, -46.912993, -46.848165, -46.866067, -46.907891, -46.6915,
-46.7028, -46.69362, -46.7695, -46.7888, -46.8083, -46.93475,
-46.95386, -46.94205, -46.97392, -47.0416, -47.06059, -47.09674,
-47.1198, -47.23868, -47.2613, -47.22606, -47.24073, -47.11769,
-47.22051, -47.13956, -47.22051, -47.22051, -47.24073, -47.26532,
-47.22051, -47.24073, -47.11769, -47.21402, -44.068655, -44.089589,
-44.101147, -44.044167, -43.752993, -43.755411, -43.735879, -44.04935,
-43.754233, -43.774317, -43.896408, -43.943395, -43.745305, -43.697417,
-44.06292, -43.730918, -43.735879, -43.697417, -43.94253, -43.754233,
-43.774317, -43.896408, -43.899067, -43.820409, -43.830255, -43.844432,
-43.823877, -44.04935, -44.22724, -44.35632, -44.25215, -44.22698,
-44.35017, -44.35017, -44.35017, -44.35017, -44.26622, -44.26622,
-44.24003, -44.24003, -44.27802, -44.26622, -44.27802, -44.24003,
-44.28663, -44.24003, -44.43272, -44.43272, -44.43272, -43.96254,
-43.96254, -43.96254, -44.22317, -44.22317, -44.22317, -44.22317,
-43.56422, -43.56379, -47.7512, -47.7512, -47.7512, -47.7512,
-47.7512, -49.68453, -49.68453, -49.68453, -49.68453, -49.68453,
-49.68453, -48.01981, -48.03035, -48.03035, -48.04438, -48.03566,
-48.03035, -48.03566, -48.04438, -48.01074, -48.03035, -48.04438,
-48.03035, -48.03035, -48.05387, -48.05528, -48.05866, -48.05866,
-48.05528, -50.52571, -50.52571, -50.52609, -50.52571, -50.52958,
-50.51534, -50.52571, -50.52571, -50.52571, -50.52958, -50.52571,
-50.52609, -50.52571, -50.52609, -50.55347, -50.82306, -50.82306,
-50.8312, -50.53034, -50.52696, -50.53133, -50.55347)), row.names = 1:301, class = "data.frame")
#Re-projecting for consistency with other rasters and making it a multipoint object for sf
SeaCoor.df %>%
st_as_sf(coords = c("Long", "Lat")) %>%
st_cast("MULTIPOINT") %>%
st_set_crs(4326) %>%
st_transform('+init=EPSG:2193') -> SeaCoor.mp
As far as I can see, everything up to this point works and is fine (although any advice on how it can be improved is welcome!). I plotted my data to check that it is doing what I think - here is the plot prior to snapping:
#Before snapping points
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = coastline) +
geom_sf(data = SeaCoor.mp)
Now I snap my points:
#Snapping (I know the tolerance is huge)
newPoints <- st_snap(SeaCoor.mp, coastline, tolerance = 1000)
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = coastline) +
geom_sf(data = newPoints)
And that is where the problems seem to be occurring.
The points are snapping from inside my polygon, as well as outside - I know I didn't code it to exclude the inside, but that is because I don't know how! How do I only snap points that are outside any of the polygons boundaries (i.e. in the sea)?
appears to be snapping my points to specific points along the polygons boundary. I think this is because it is snapping them to 'beginnings' and/or 'ends' of polygon lines(?). How do I make it just snap to the nearest segment of the polygon, rather than beginning or ends?
I have tried the suggestions of @Tim Assal but it does not seem to have worked. Here is what I have tried and you can see that the same issues are still occurring.
# SnappingPoints ----------------------------------------------
#Creating a logical vector to subset the 'outside' points
outside <- sapply(st_intersects(SeaCoor.mp, coastline),function(x){length(x)==0})
#Adding more points to the coastline raster (points every 10 m)
coastline <- st_segmentize(st_cast(coastline, "MULTILINESTRING"), units::set_units(10, m))
#Snapping at sea points
SeaCoor.mp[outside,] <- st_snap(SeaCoor.mp[outside,], coastline, tolerance = 70.71) #70.71 is 50 by root 2 - the grid cells from my rasters are 50 × 50m
#This still appears to be snapping points from quite a distance. This does not appear to be an issue of units be used as the CRS that SeaCoor.mp is stored in is NZGD2000 which appears to be classed in meters.
#Checking post fix points
ggplot() +
geom_sf(data = coastline) +
geom_sf(data = SeaCoor.mp)
The points still appear to be snapping from a large distance away when they should only be moving 10 meters at the maximum! The ones near the top of the south island (the largest landmass on the map) move half way down the west coast.