I have a geoJSON layer of watercourses for which I want the multi line strings and also tooltips and popups to appear in a Leaflet map on instantiation.
The below code will not display popups or tooltips, but the watercourses do appear:
function waterPops(feature, layer){
var lineStyle = {
"color": "#00b3ff",
"weight": 1,
"opacity": 1
var water = L.geoJSON(waterExtract, {
style: lineStyle,
onEachFeature: waterPops,
Something I tried with a strange result: If I load the above water variable into a layer group WITHOUT addTo(mymap) for var water, obviously the watercourses layer doesn't load on instantiation, but when I turn the layer on in the layer group the popups and tooltips will work, along with the watercourses. Similarly, if I load the water variable into a layer group WITH addTo(mymap) for var water, on instantiation the watercourses appear, but tooltips and popups do not work. If I turn the layer off then on again, the tooltips and popups will work and watercourses will appear.
Popups, tooltips, and watercourses will work for the below code if I turn the layer on in the layer control.
function waterPops(feature, layer){
var lineStyle = {
"color": "#00b3ff",
"weight": 1,
"opacity": 1
var water = L.geoJSON(waterExtract, {
style: lineStyle,
onEachFeature: waterPops,
var baseLayers = {
"Map": streets,
"Satellite": googleSat
var overlayMaps = {
"Thing": thing,
"Watercourses": water,
L.control.layers(baseLayers, overlayMaps).addTo(mymap);
For the code below, watercourses appear, but popups and tooltips will not work on instantiation. If I turn the layer off then on in the layer control, then everything works:
function waterPops(feature, layer){
var lineStyle = {
"color": "#00b3ff",
"weight": 1,
"opacity": 1
var water = L.geoJSON(waterExtract, {
style: lineStyle,
onEachFeature: waterPops,
var baseLayers = {
"Map": streets,
"Satellite": googleSat
var overlayMaps = {
"Thing": thing,
"Watercourses": water,
L.control.layers(baseLayers, overlayMaps).addTo(mymap);
Ideally I would like to have the watercourses, popups, and tooltips working on instantiation, whether in a layer control group or alone.