Someone is sending me a CSV file with a list of points that I am trying to map. But instead of the usual Lat and Long there is just a Geometry field (see examples below). I have tried several methods to open this, assuming 3857 is the EPSG - not sure what the 2001 is for. How can I plot these coordinates on a map in QGIS? I have asked for a new file with the usual Lat and Long but would like to try and figure this out while I wait for it if possible.
(2001, 3857, (-8863473.81677258, 5417238.01101921, ), , )
(2001, 3857, (-9247508.24889085, 5207353.52931172, ), , )
(2001, 3857, (-9243598.70837419, 5208396.74498673, ), , )