You currently have an image which has an NDVI value for each pixel in the original image. In order to get a single number, you need to reduce the image — to take the mean, median, maximum, minimum, or other such operation on pixels in the image, within a region of interest. Here is the documentation on reduceRegion
, which is the way to do this.
Since you have an image collection and want a table, you also need to map over the image collection. Whenever you want a number or other value for each image in a collection, the way you do that is by adding a property to each image, using set()
, or by producing new features that have only the data you want.
This example I wrote is in JavaScript since I wrote it in the Earth Engine Code Editor, but the differences with Python are fairly small so I hope you can follow along.
var meanNDVICollection = (img) {
// Your code.
var nir ='B5');
var red ='B4');
var ndviImage = nir.subtract(red).divide(nir.add(red)).rename('NDVI');
// Compute the mean of NDVI over the 'region'
var ndviValue = ndviImage.reduceRegion({
geometry: region,
reducer: ee.Reducer.mean(),
}).get('NDVI'); // result of reduceRegion is always a dictionary, so get the element we want
// Add the value as a property to each image in the collection.
// return img.set('NDVI', ndviValue);
// Or, create a new feature with only the properties we want.
return ee.Feature(null, {
// Adding property we computed.
'NDVI': ndviValue
}).copyProperties(img, [
// Picking properties from the original image.
// Export, or you can use any other method for getting a table out of Earth Engine.
collection: meanNDVICollection
(Disclaimer: I do not have training in the scientific and statistical aspects of remote sensing. The choices of mean
and scale: 20
in this script are for demonstration of Earth Engine only and should not be assumed to produce scientifically valid results.)