I have a polygon layer and I want to know the altitude of the centroids. I guess I have to find on the internet (how?) a layer that contains data about the territory's height (in this case Italy in particular Toscana and Liguria) and to find a way to correlate it with my layer (using Python is better). Does anyone have a suggestion?

vlayer = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName('Centroids')[0]
rlayer = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName('Elevation')[0]
params = {'INPUT_VECTOR': QgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition(vlayer.id(), True), 
          'INPUT_RASTER': QgsProcessingFeatureSourceDefinition(rlayer.id(), True), 
          'COLUMN_PREFIX' : 'Altitude',
          'OUTPUT': 'memory:'}

newLayer = processing.run("qgis:rastersampling", params)
layerOutput = newLayer['OUTPUT']

I tried in this way, but there's something wrong. This is the error message: Could not load source layer for INPUT: no value specified for parameter

  • 3
    You will need a Digital Elevation Model (DEM). You can download tiles for your area of interest here (90m): dwtkns.com/srtm or here (30m): dwtkns.com/srtm30m. Create centroids and run 'Sample raster values' algorithm, then join elevation attribute back to polygon layer. If you want a Python solution you should try to make a code attempt.
    – Ben W
    Commented May 15, 2020 at 0:27
  • Thanks both. I did it, now I'm trying to do the same task using python. The only way I could think is using processing.run algorithm ("qgis:rastersampling") but i'm not sure how to set params and I can't find any example.
    – Lorenzo
    Commented May 15, 2020 at 13:29

1 Answer 1



vlayer = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName('New scratch layer')[0]
rlayer = QgsProject.instance().mapLayersByName('nh_62_3')[0]

centroids = [g.geometry().centroid() for g in vlayer.getFeatures()]

#Create a point layer from polygon centroids
vl = QgsVectorLayer("Point?crs={}&index=yes".format(vlayer.crs().authid()), "myLayer", "memory")
provider = vl.dataProvider()
for centroid in centroids:
    f = QgsFeature()

#Set z from raster
pointz = processing.run("native:setzfromraster", 

#Extract z value
pointz2 = processing.run("native:extractzvalues", 


enter image description here

  • Thanks it works. Is there a way to maintain in the new layer pointz2 the attributes of the first vector layer?
    – Lorenzo
    Commented May 16, 2020 at 13:38
  • Spatial join / join attributes by location. Or start with centroid that has attributes.
    – Bera
    Commented May 16, 2020 at 13:41

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