As per the picture below I've got 2 lines that are very close but not touching (0.013mm) in a T-junction format but could be any kind of intersection.
| | | ---- | needs to become ------| ...or ------|-- | | |
I don't know how many there are of these (10k features in total in this dataset) but it's breaking a path-finding algorithm so need them to magically get joined together.
A new line segment is fine but moving the existing one would be better (so as not to increase the existing number of features unnecessarily).
I looked at snapping but it appears that would then be a manual operation which is not ideal (as there are potentially multiple datasets all with 10K plus features) though could work if I can generate a list of these 'near but not touching' lines and there are not many of them.
I'm wondering if there's any buffering function that could do it but then not sure how to move the existing node or create the new line based on that.
How can I do this as a bulk operation in QGIS 3.4.11?