I am trying to rotate a Polygon type(see below) with the center of rotation(not necessary in the center) but somewhere within the boundary. How can I do this?
I am looking at rotate and affine_transform. The polygon vertex point (4 corner) is in meters (dimension) which i will need to transform it to lat lon in EPSG:4326 later stage
I was tempted to use rotate since parameter to use as it is simple ie rotate(geom, degree, centerofrotation) but was told that it does not work for lat lon coordinates.
To use affine transform, can anyone show me how to calculate for the transform matrix?
for example, the polygon is
POLYGON ((11576467.24265137 150763.0256523852, 11576467.24265137 150805.3789849052, 11576509.04265061 150805.3789849052, 11576509.04265061 150763.0256523852, 11576467.24265137 150763.0256523852))
and center of rotation (11576488.142650992, 150779.6256524612)