Currently we are trying to to convert a JSON file, which has an attribute table that is too chaotic and needs to be changed. There is certain string format in a few columns that keeps popping up and we want to covert this into one go.
It always looks like this { "DisplayValue": "Value being displayed", "Value": "value" }.
Note: Value being displayed" and value are placeholders, and yes there are encapsulated into "". What we suspected is that these things were supposed to be part of a value map...kinda because there a few columns, that are also supposed to be a date.
For example { "DisplayValue": "2020-03-05T16:37:27.7Z", "Value": "2020-03-05T16:37:27.7Z" }
Also we have something like this: { "diepteNauwkeurigheid": "Onbekend", "dieptePeil": "1 m" } that is something that has the same string format, but this does not seem to be a value map.
What actually needs to be extracted is the value, without the special marks.
I have bit of trouble to convert this in one go. Sure I can make some replace and right left commands but can anyone tell me how do this in one go?
Edit: TO clarify the files we have are GeoJSON. And no, it is not just one single attribute we want, we want multiple columns to have the same kind of string format converted. Here is screenshot, some data is cut because of privacy.
Edit 2: To Illustrate further I have for example the procedure to translate the the theme column into the appriate string:
WHEN theme= '{ "DisplayValue": "Elektriciteit", "Value": "electricity" }'
WHEN theme= '{ "DisplayValue": "Telecommunicatie", "Value": "telecommunications" }'
WHEN theme ='{ "DisplayValue": "Water", "Value": "water" }'
WHEN theme ='{ "DisplayValue": "Riolering", "Value": "sewer" }'
Now this is just for translating the text of ONE Column specifically, I am looking for something more specific that I can apply to all columns.
So it should be something like this, this is just to illustrate what must happen, actual value and Displayed Value are placeholders.
CASE WHEN COLUMN = '{ "DisplayValue": "Displayed Value", "Value": " actual value" }'
actual value
I hope this helps in helping me find a solution.
Edit 3: Leo M gave me a good solution but there is sadly a problem that has arrived. I get this error message, not all values also seem to be translated.
After the okay button has be clicked my changes has been undone.
Edit 5: This is also the error message in the Field Calculator itself, yes it is on a different column but I had to test it out:
Edit 6: Thanks to LeoM the sollution has been found, apparently because I had Null Value's, the expresion did not work so I made a part of a case: For example
Case when ElementTyp IS NOT NULL THEN
string_to_array( "elementTyp" ,'"')[7]
ElementTyp = NULL
You can replace Null with anything.