I have 2 tables in BQ; one of them includes a geography column PointWKT (gps POINT) and second table includes a geography column BoundaryWKT (POLYGONS & MULTIPOLYGONS). Both tables also include DateTime column.
I want to do a spatial join so each PointWKT will be assigned to corresponding BoundaryWKT. Until today, i was using GeoPandas but now i have to switch to SQL.
Is there any way in SQL BigQuery that would substitute geopandas .sjoin like:
join_df = gpd.sjoin(table1, table2, how="inner", op='within')
ANSWER to this question:
SELECT * FROM table1, table2 WHERE ST_Contains (table1.geom, table2.geom)
Another question is, if it is possible to include another condition for joining?
Besides the spatial join from geography columns i also need to include join on DateTime column from both tables.
Is this even possible?