I've created the shapefile and can manually enter in all the attributes to come in fine, but when I call it any other way (which I will need to do), the values for the floating types appear as NULL, even after converting to str or int.

When I print dato.iloc[0].tolist(), it spits out the first row of data as a list, and looks as follows: ['1', '1', '31isk', 4613427, 413588.12200000003, 1.19, 'sand'].

If I have feat.setAttributes(dato.iloc[0].tolist()), all values except for the three floats come in fine. If I print and copy the resulting string into feat.setAttributes, it will add the attribute perfectly okay. This is only a quikc fix and not possible when there are hundreds of more attributes to add.

So again, this does NOT work: dato.iloc[0].tolist()

But this DOES work: feat.setAttributes(['1', '1', '31isk', 4613427, 413588.12200000003, 1.19, 'sand'])

This is all done within PyCharm. Fields are as follows (Northing, Easting, and Altitude all appear NULL):

layerFields = QgsFields()
layerFields.append(QgsField('Transect', QVariant.String))
layerFields.append(QgsField('PointNumber', QVariant.String))
layerFields.append(QgsField('SubClass', QVariant.String))
layerFields.append(QgsField('Northing', QVariant.String))
layerFields.append(QgsField('Easting', QVariant.String))
layerFields.append(QgsField('Altitude', QVariant.String))
layerFields.append(QgsField('Notes', QVariant.String))

I've tried setting QVariant to int and converting the float values to ints but still nothinng.

  • Did you try set QVariant.Double for your QgsField Northing, Easting, Altitude ? Did you also tried to do [type(i) for i in dato.iloc[0].tolist()] to be sure of type of each element in your list (sometimes what you see is not what you visually think it is)?
    – ThomasG77
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 20:29
  • @ThomasG77 Yes I started with QVariant.Double actually. I've manually checked all their types but the results were: <class 'str'> <class 'str'> <class 'str'> <class 'numpy.float64'> <class 'numpy.float64'> <class 'numpy.float64'> <class 'str'> do you think it has to do with it being 'numpy.float64'?
    – Barnard87
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 21:41
  • Try using item method like described at stackoverflow.com/questions/9452775/… Normally, the following code [i.item() if isinstance(i, numpy.generic) else i for i in dato.iloc[0].tolist()] should work to cast all numpy objects to native Python types. I used in the previous expression numpy.generic but it can be np.generic depending if you've done numpy import with import numpy or import numpy as np
    – ThomasG77
    Commented Jun 17, 2020 at 21:53
  • Conclusion? Did it works. Normally, with the native Python types instead of numpy, it should.
    – ThomasG77
    Commented Jun 18, 2020 at 15:46
  • @ThomasG77 Yes! After doing a little research with the links you provided it managed to transform out of a numpy.float64 using .item() on the fields I needed to. Thanks so much for that pointer.
    – Barnard87
    Commented Jun 23, 2020 at 18:15

1 Answer 1


as @ThomasG77 pointed out, calling .item() on the attributes that were not transferring fixed the issue

['Transect'].iloc[y], int(filter_dato['Point Number'].iloc[y]), filter_dato['Subclass'].iloc[y], \
                         filter_dato['Northing'].iloc[y].item(), filter_dato['Easting'].iloc[y].item(), filter_dato['Altitude'].iloc[y].item(), \

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