I am working on a project about a certain animal species. I have gotten coordinates from where the species has been observed.

Now I want to know what percentage of the observations are from gardens/residential area and what percentage from forest/ edges of forests.

I have found a layer for living areas so the animals found there would count as 'found in garden/residential area'.

So my question is how do I find out how many of my coordinates overlap with this layer and how many do not?

  • @Taras I wasn't sure how to describe my question that is why I couldn't find a matching thread. Thank you for your answer. I tried to join attributes by location. What do you mean by 'add a field with '1/0'? can you do this while joining the layers or afterwards?
    – Fleur
    Commented Jun 23, 2020 at 13:25
  • @Taras Yes I understand what you mean. Only I do not know how to do it.
    – Fleur
    Commented Jun 23, 2020 at 14:18
  • Let me know if something is still not clear in my answer
    – Taras
    Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 6:15
  • Please, do not forget about "What should I do when someone answers my question?"
    – Taras
    Commented Aug 5, 2021 at 8:21

2 Answers 2


Let's assume that there is a CSV-file (in UTF-8) 'animals.csv', see image below


Step 1. In QGIS create a new QGIS Project. Then proceed with Layer > Add Layer > Add Delimited Text Layer ....


Step 2. Add your area via Layer > Add Layer > Add Vector Layer .... After adding areas your QGIS working window may look as follows.


Step 3. Apply the "Join attributes by location" as demonstrated in the image below.


Step 4. In the attribute table of the result from a previous step apply "Field calculator" with a small expression for

   ELSE 1

Alternative is: if("Description", 1, 0)


So, the updated Attribute table will now look as demonstrated in the image below


Step 5. In this last stage I will offer not the best solution in terms of performance for large data but I reckon it is simple to understand. Attaining basic statistics by means of a "Virtual Layer" through Layer > Add Layer > Add/Edit Virtual Layer... with this query:

    SELECT COUNT() AS "overlap"
    FROM "Joined layer"
    WHERE "calc" = 1

no AS (
    SELECT COUNT() AS "not_overlap"
    FROM "Joined layer"
    WHERE "calc" = 0

    "o", "no"

And your output is:


Note: that the output does not include geometry.

Additionally, I am providing you with some references that are necessary to read.



A PyQGIS solution.

Let's assume there is a project folder with two files: 'test_points.csv' and 'test_polygons.shp', see image below.


In QGIS they will look like:


Proceed with Plugins > Python Console > Show Editor and copy&edit&paste the script below:

# defining inputs
project_path = 'C:/Users/DUBRTARA/Desktop/test/project/'
csv_file_name = 'test_points.csv'
shp_file_name = 'test_polygons.shp'

# Step 1: reading a CSV file with points and converting it into a shapefile
uri_csv_file = 'file:///' + project_path + csv_file_name + "?encoding={0}&delimiter={1}&xField={2}&yField={3}&crs={4}".format("UTF-8",",","x","y","epsg:31469")
# In .format("UTF-8",",","x","y","epsg:31469")
# "UTF-8" stands for encoding : data encoding (optional)
# "," : is a delimiter inm the input file
# xField : is a column name for longitude value
# yField : is a column name for latitude value
# crs : is a Coordinate system in EPSG number
points = QgsVectorLayer(uri_csv_file, csv_file_name.split(".")[0], "delimitedtext")
if not points.isValid():
    print ("{} layer was not loaded".format(csv_file_name))

# Step 2: reading a shapefile with polygons
path_to_shp_file_name = project_path + shp_file_name
polygons = QgsVectorLayer(path_to_shp_file_name, shp_file_name.split(".")[0], "ogr")
if not polygons.isValid():
    print ("{} layer was not loaded".format(shp_file_name))

# Step 3: selecting point features that intersect polygon features
points_in = processing.run("qgis:selectbylocation",{
                                'INPUT' : points,
                                'PREDICATE' : 0, #corresponds to 'intersects'
                                'INTERSECT' : polygons,
                                'METHOD' : 0

# creating a dictionary for output
result = {}
# nesting results into the dictionary
result['points in polygons'] = points_in.selectedFeatureCount()
result['points not in polygons'] = points.featureCount() - points_in.selectedFeatureCount()

# printing the result

# for more details run the following command >>> processing.algorithmHelp("qgis:selectbylocation")

Press Run script run script and get the output that will look like {'points in polygons': 4, 'points not in polygons': 1}, see image below



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