I'm trying to figure out how closely the QGIS browser matches ArcCatalog functionality, and I am confused about whether it is supposed to be possible to move copy or move data files using the browser.
This page on the Browser panel (https://docs.qgis.org/3.10/en/docs/user_manual/introduction/browser.html) says,
The QGIS Browser panel is a great tool for browsing, searching, inspecting, copying and loading QGIS resources. Only resources that QGIS knows how to handle are shown in the browser.
which seems to suggest that copying should be possible, but when I attempt to drag-and-drop shapefiles and similar, the mouse cursor turns into a circle and slash icon when I hover over a possible destination directory, and right-clicking only seems to offer options for "Add selected layer to Canvas", "Properties...", and "Delete file..."
Am I missing something, or is does the QGIS Browser simply not offer the ability to copy files?