Using ArcGIS Desktop 10.7, I have 83 rasters that I need to loop through and perform an Extract By Attributes on using Python. Each raster has a range of values that the extracted pixels should be between. What I need to be able to do is insert the upper and lower bounding values from a table into the "where_clause".
ExtractByAttributes(in_raster, where_clause)
I'm not exactly sure how to link the appropriate values to the corresponding raster. Each raster is named after a "Map_ID" and the same "Map_ID" is located in the table. The table only has 3 columns, the Map_ID, upper and lower bounding values. The current python script I have is as follows (the 2 phrases "(Map_ID lower value)" and "(Map_ID upper value)" is what needs to call the values from a table):
# Import system modules
import arcpy
from arcpy import env
from import *
# Set environment settings
arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\data\Rast_conversion_Step_1"
# set output folder
outWorkspace = "C:\data\Rast_conversion_Step_2"
# create list of rasters to perform raster math on
RasterList = arcpy.ListRasters()
for item in RasterList:
inSQLClause = "Value >= (Map_ID lower value) and Value <= (Map_ID upper value)"
extractRast = ExtractByAttributes(item, inSQLClause)
outputRaster = os.path.join(outWorkspace, item)