I want to download the new (19) WorldClim Bioclimatic variables (version 2.1) for a specific region of the world, but it looks like you can only download the entire world, which is around 10 GB!
Around 8hrs to download with my internet connection.
I know there is a way to download tiles in R using the raster
library. Here is the code:
getData('worldclim', var='bio', res=0.5, lon=-60, lat= -37, download = TRUE, path = "")
*trying URL 'https://biogeo.ucdavis.edu/data/climate/worldclim/1_4/tiles/cur/bio_44.zip'
Content type 'application/zip' length 5663180 bytes (5.4 MB)
downloaded 5.4 MB*
As you can see, this works for worldclim version 1.4 (data are obsolete). Anyway to do the same but with worldclim 2.1?