I have a problem loading and adding data from the following a WFS to my QGIS project:
I can connect to the service and see the data available. (See picture below)
But after adding a layer with the data to my project I get the following error and no data is displayed:
Layer ogdwien:FMZKGEBOGD: Download of features for layer ogdwien:FMZKGEBOGD failed or partially failed: Server generated an exception in GetFeature response: org.opengis.referencing.NoSuchAuthorityCodeException: No authority was defined for code "". Did you forget "AUTHORITY:NUMBER"? No authority was defined for code "". Did you forget "AUTHORITY:NUMBER"?. You may attempt reloading the layer with F5
As far as I know you don’t need an authority number to use the service since it is an open data service from the city.
I can export the data to a shapefile. But then some of the data is missing. In my case not all the buildings are exported, just some of them.
I am using Windows 10 and the QGIS Version before was 3.4.11. I now upgraded to the new version 3.14.1 but I still have the same problem.