I work with large drone image raster files, on the order of 40,000 x 40,000 and above. I have a large uncompressed GeoTIFF file and I want to use rasterio to rewrite the file in compressed format. I can do this by loading all data into memory, but is there a way to execute this writing without loading everything to memory?

For my original file I can open it with:

 dat = rasterio.open("grid_001.tif")

Then to rewrite the file with compression I tried:

profile = dat.profile.copy()

with rasterio.open("grid_001_compressed.tif", 'w', **profile) as dst:

This will give me an error:

 ValueError: Source shape (44134, 44162) is inconsistent with given indexes 3

This is an expected error, because when I open the dataset it creates an iterator or lazy object without actually accessing the data. Now, if I did a command like:

 dat = dat.read()

This will load all of the data from the file into memory, and I can an array of dimensions [3, 44134, 44162] that I can write. BUT, this takes a lot of memory to implement.

Hence, is there a way to perform the same operation, but without loading everything into memory? I am not sure if windowed reads would help in this case or anything.

  • 2
    Just a little bit off topic but I would use GDAL_Translate -of GTIFF -co COMPRESS=LZW grid_001.tif grid_001_compressed.tif with suprocess.Popen and subsequent wait(), if all you're doing is rewriting the entire raster with compression you can skip the overheads of converting objects to/from python and no longer be concerned with memory management as GDAL_Translate manages all of that optimally. Commented Jul 28, 2020 at 7:04
  • @MichaelStimson thanks for the suggestion. Yeah, that make sense, using gdal_translate would work. I was looking for something that was more python and less command line, but your suggestion would work.
    – krishnab
    Commented Jul 28, 2020 at 14:21
  • 1
    If you want to stick to python, there's always gdal.Translate('output.tif', openDataset, creationOptions = ['COMPRESS=LZW'])
    – user2856
    Commented Jul 28, 2020 at 21:25

1 Answer 1


You can use rasterio's window or block reading & writing

dat = rasterio.open("grid_001.tif")
profile = dat.profile.copy()

with rasterio.open("grid_001_compressed.tif", 'w', **profile) as dst:
    for ji, window in dat.block_windows(1)
        dst.write(dat.read(window=window), window=window)
  • this is great. Thanks for the direction. Will this work for multiband rasters too? I just ask because it has dat.block_windows(1). My raster is bands, so would I need to iterate over bands, or could I just use dat.block_windows(3)?
    – krishnab
    Commented Jul 27, 2020 at 21:53
  • 2
    Assuming each band has the same block size (as per the documentation I linked to), then this will read & write all bands at the same time
    – user2856
    Commented Jul 27, 2020 at 21:56

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