I have a point SHP in WGS84 (EPSG 4326) and I am trying to tabulate the distances to the nearest point in meters. I need to do the analysis using ArcPy, but I want to get the results in a Pandas dataframe to do other things.

I'm stuck on getting the GenerateNearTable_analysis() in an in-memory format (throws the error below). And then from there, I actually don't know how to pass it into a dataframe.

import arcpy
import pandas as pd

filein = [

for f in filein:
    fout = f.replace(".shp", "")
    TempTab = 'in_memory\\{}_Table'.format(fout)
    arcpy.GenerateNearTable_analysis(f, f, TempTab, method='GEODESIC')

Above throws this error:

arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: ERROR 000210: Cannot create output in_memory\D:\mypath\test_Table
Failed to execute (GenerateNearTable).

I also tried arcpy.GenerateNearTable_analysis(f, TempTab, "memory", method='GEODESIC') as suggested in this answer, and got the following error: arcgisscripting.ExecuteError: Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid. ERROR 000732: Near Features: Dataset 'in_memory\D:\mypath\test_Table' does not exist or is not supported Failed to execute (GenerateNearTable).

Using ArcMap 10.7

  • 1
    At the moment you’re stuck on the ArcPy step that precedes what you’re trying to do with pandas. I think you should look at that 000210 error message and the invalid path it reports.
    – PolyGeo
    Commented Jul 28, 2020 at 20:50

1 Answer 1


You need to get rid of the directory as well as the file extension.

import os

import arcpy
import pandas as pd

filein = [

for f in filein:
    fout = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(f))[0]  #<=== strip file extension and path
    TempTab = 'in_memory\\{}_Table'.format(fout)
    arcpy.GenerateNearTable_analysis(f, f, TempTab, method='GEODESIC')
  • Solved the issue, thank you. I added cols = [field.name for field in arcpy.ListFields(temp)] ... mydf = pd.DataFrame(arcpy.da.FeatureClassToNumPyArray(in_table=temp, field_names=cols, skip_nulls=False, null_value=-99999)) to get it into a Pandas dataframe
    – a11
    Commented Jul 29, 2020 at 0:09

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