I am trying to perform a raster calculation (EVI) on an imagery collection. This operation is seen on Line 130 and is based on:
https://developers.google.com/earth-engine/image_math (which I know is for single images). In addition to being an imageCollection, my version of this GEE provided code differs in that I've renamed my bands prior to calculating EVI.
I am having trouble finding the necessary format to apply a band math equation to an imagery collection.
Presently, I am receiving an error: "Cloudfiltered.expression is not a function"
Here is my script: https://code.earthengine.google.com/0e9ae4a031ddd2d46fe44d40cc03b05e
The Region of Interest: "ROI" was made with the Rectangle Tool in GEE and can be totally arbitrary; I don't know how to share it. Here is mine for context: https://i.sstatic.net/BbeWg.jpg