I am Using React Leaflet for showing some GeoJSON data and I have successfully added geojson layer to react leaflet with . That GeoJSON layer contains a shapefile with polygons and multipolygons. Now I wanted to show a single polygon from that shapefile and have API and that single polygon is working fine on Leaflet with Jquery. But in React Leaflet polygon is not showing when I use and if I try to show that single polygon in it shows a random small triangular polygon at random in map. It is not picking up on Single Polygon. I am asking here as official react-leaflet repo mentioned to ask questions like this with tags here.

Here's my code

import React, { useState, useEffect } from 'react'
import {Map as LeafletMap, TileLayer,Circle,CircleMarker,Popup,LayersControl,FeatureGroup,Polygon,GeoJSON} from 'react-leaflet'

import Axios from 'axios';
import "./Map.css"

function Map({center, zoom}) {
  const { BaseLayer, Overlay } = LayersControl
  const [Districts, setDistrict] = useState([])
  const [Singal, setSingal] = useState([])

  useEffect(() => {
      .then(response => {
  return (
  <div className="map">
    <LeafletMap center={center} zoom={zoom} doubleClickZoom={true} animate={true} duration={100} bounceAtZoomLimits={true} maxBoundsViscosity={0.95} maxBounds={[[-360, -180], [360, 180]]}  >
      <LayersControl position="topright">
        <BaseLayer name="OpenStreetMap">
            attribution='&amp;copy <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'
        <BaseLayer checked={true} name="Dark">
        <Overlay checked={true} name="poly">
            <GeoJSON color="purple" data={Single}/>
            <Polygon color="red" positions={Single}/>
        <Overlay name="Circle">
        <Circle center={center} fillColor="blue" radius={500} />
        <Overlay name="Marker with popup">
        <CircleMarker center={[51.51, -0.12]} color="red" radius={20}>
          <Popup>Popup in CircleMarker</Popup>

export default Map

I get my shapefile to work by simply doing this


  Districts.map((District) => (
  <GeoJSON key={District.id} color="red" data={District}/>  

but i am unable to show a single polygon separately from the very same shapefile

My Complete Shapefile JSON is very long so i am not posting it here but it has feature property in JSON which got picked my but single Polygon json look like this and not working.



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