I am using leaflet.markercluster plugin to show clusters on my map and getting information about each cluster on hover/click event.
What I'd like to do now is to write a method that if a user zooms or pans the map, it returns list of clusters within the current map bounds.
var option = {
useCanvas: true,
anchorWidth: 20,
anchorHeight: 40,
canvasPadding: 0.0,
map: map
var clusterMarkers = L.markerClusterGroup(options, { chunkedLoading: true });
for(var i = 0;i<pakData.length;i++){
option.lat = pakData[i][0];
option.lng = pakData[i][1];
var marker = TPLMaps.overlays.point(option);
clusterMarkers.addEventListener('clusterclick', (e)=>{
console.log(e); // I want list of these e.target within current bounds