I was surprised that I didn't find this ready-made question and answer on this site.
This formula is sometimes taken from http://www.movable-type.co.uk/scripts/latlong.html, which in turn is taken from http://www.edwilliams.org/avform.htm, but in neither of the two places is this derivation really explained.
Where it is done is in Link, which I limit myself to copying because it is self explanatory:
Let's define three unit vectors, each in the direction of the line
from the center of the earth to a point on the surface: N in the
direction of the north pole, A in the direction of the initial point,
and B in the direction of the final point on the course. Then the
bearing we seek is the angle between the plane containing N and A,
and the plane containing A and B. Thus it equals the angle between
vectors perpendicular to these planes, namely, NxA and BxA.
Let point A have latitude lat1 and longitude 0 (we can rotate our
coordinate system so this is true), and let point B have latitude
lat2 and longitude dlon (the difference between the actual longitudes
of A and B). Then we can calculate NxA and BxA:
N = (0, 0, 1)
A = (cos(lat1), 0, sin(lat1))
B = (cos(lat2)*cos(dlon), cos(lat2)*sin(dlon), sin(lat2))
NxA = (0, cos(lat1), 0)
BxA = (sin(lat1)*cos(lat2)*sin(dlon),
The usual way to find the angle would be to take the dot product of
these vectors, divide by the product of the magnitudes of the vectors,
and take the arccosine. But that would be quite a mess. Instead we
can take advantage of the fact that NxA is parallel to the y axis.
The tangent of the angle between BxA and the y axis is the component
of BxA in the x-z plane (the square root of the sum of the squares of
the x and z components) divided by the y component:
tan(theta) = sqrt((sin(lat1)*cos(lat2)*sin(dlon))^2 +
(-cos(lat1)*cos(lat2)*sin(dlon))^2) /
The numerator simplifies to
= cos(lat2)*sin(dlon)
tan(theta) = cos(lat2)*sin(dlon) /
That's the formula. If we take the arctan of both sides, we get a
value in the range from -pi/2 to pi/2 radians. The problem is, this
doesn't distinguish between opposite directions, NE vs. SW for
instance. But the function atan2(y,x) returns the arctan of y/x with
adjustments for the signs of x and y so that the angle returned is
the angle of the cartesian point (x,y) in polar coordinates -- just
what we need here.
The only problem is that it returns a value in the range (-pi, pi].
The function mod(..., 2pi) moves negative angles up to the range
(pi, 2pi). To get a final answer in degrees (0 to 360), you must
multiply by 180/pi.