I am attempting to create a 100% MCP in QGIS using the minimum bounding geometry tool in QGIS. My data is sensitive and I therefore cannot share any of it (including a subset). I have used a dataset of animal locations as the input layer, left the field open as I need an MCP for all individuals together, and have chosen the "convex hull" geometry type. However, the output clearly ignores some of my location points (see left-hand side of the photo).
I have tried redoing this multiple times, even re-importing the point dataset, yet I still get the same result. I also tried creating a 100% MCP in R and then importing a shapefile of it into QGIS, and it still looks the same. Has anyone ever had this issue come up? I cannot seem to find anything wrong with the few points it's ignoring, so I am not sure what else it could be.