I'm trying to get started with QField. I created a SpatiaLite database with several SpatiaLite layers in my QGIS project. Exporting that project with QFieldSync is super easy, as is (offline) editing the data in QFIELD on my tablet. When I import and synchronize the data back to my QGIS project all the data is there and everything seems fine. However, the source path of the SpatiaLite layers has changed:
Original path: C:\Users\...\Documents\Demo.sqlite
Path after synchronization: C:\Users\...\QField\import\demo2\Demo.sqlite
The original data is thus not synchronized, instead a new file with the same name but in a different location is created.
My questions are:
Is this supposed to happen?
If yes, what is a smooth way to make sure the original data gets updated as well?
If no, what should I do differently?