I need to remove Z dimension on spatial column (ST_GEOMETRY) with Esri on Oracle using the PL/SQL packages
I need to do the following, but using the ESRI PL/SQL packages on Oracle.
I have used a couple of the packages such as SDE.ST_GEOMETRY_OPERATORS, however I am unsure if doing the below (removing Z) is possible in PL/SQL.
There are directions of how to do this in ArcMap:
- Browse to ArcToolbox > Conversion Tools > To Geodatabase.
- Open the Feature Class to Geodatabase (multiple) tool.
- Add all the feature classes into the Input Feature Class parameter.
- Select an Output Geodatabase.
- Click the Environments button at the bottom of the tool dialog box.
- Expand the General Settings.
- For the parameter, Output has Z Values, change the value to Disabled.
- For the parameter, Output has M Values, change the value to Disabled.
- Click OK in the Environments dialog box.
- Click OK to execute the geoprocessing tool.
How can I do the equivalent in PL/SQL?