I've seen similar question as Getting lat/lng from wkid, latestwkid and x y coordinates but not sure how to put rings into ArcGIS server REST endpoint.

enter    "geometry": {
[1197289.1030000001, 1759877.251000002]
[1197292.4299999997, 1759549.5487499982]
[1197005.0549999997, 1759549.939000003]
[1196998.6702499986, 1759968.4439999983]
[1197288.1697500013, 1759969.0909999982]
[1197289.1030000001, 1759877.251000002]
"geometryType": "esriGeometryPolygon"} image description here

Should I take every two coordinates and process separately? I am not really sure what output input/output spatial reference should be and why. Is there any Python program/package/code that can do it?

enter image description here

  • 1
    You can lop off seven decimal places (to make it millimeters, not ångströms), and nest another pair of brackets [], so you have an array of rings, instead of a single ring.
    – Vince
    Commented Sep 9, 2020 at 3:57
  • It responds with; Polygon: Ring0:[1197289.103,1759877.251],[1197292.429,1759549.548],[1197005.054,1759549.939]...3 more... But I need Lat/Longitude as in google maps format of these points. Am I using a wrong converter? Commented Sep 9, 2020 at 5:57
  • There is a python package call 'pyproj' that can transform coordinates between different reference frames. (see pyproj4.github.io/pyproj/stable) If you want to couple it with geometry manipulation in python I suggest the 'shapely' library.
    – Hulecom
    Commented Sep 10, 2020 at 10:04


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